Comic Panel 1: Fluff Pup, a medium-sized brown puppy with fluffy ears, a pearl necklace and a golden crown on her head, and TeaCup Pup, a peach-colored teacup chihuahua wearing a gold and purple crown, are both working attentively on large lumps of modeling clay. TeaCup Pup is sitting directly on the table while working. Several sculpting tools and an open bucket of clay sit on the table as well. Comic Panel 2: A very ta-da feeling panel where Fluff Pup and TeaCup Pup look delightedly at their sculptured art. Fluff Pup has made a vase that appears somewhat inspired by art of ancient Greece with delicate triangular patterns at the top of the vase and a dignified dog standing in the middle. Meanwhile, TeaCup Pup has sculpted a dog with eyes closed majestically, head tilted up and long, flowing fur that covers the feet. Comic Panel 3: Fluff Pup and TeaCup Pup are staring confused and a little puzzled further down the table. It’s revealed Scruffy Pup, a large orange pup with a gold and purple crown, is laying on her back actively rolling back and forth on her modeling clay. She is having the time of her life with a happy expression and her tongue sticking out as lumps of clay stick to her fur.

A Princess Pups comic by Lindsay Hornsby called "Clay Day" Comic Panel 1: Fluff Pup, a medium-sized brown puppy with fluffy ears, a pearl necklace and a golden crown on her head, and TeaCup Pup, a peach-colored teacup chihuahua wearing a gold and purple crown, are both working attentively on large lumps of modeling clay. TeaCup Pup is sitting directly on the table while working. Several sculpting tools and an open bucket of clay sit on the table as well. Comic Panel 2: A very ta-da feeling panel where Fluff Pup and TeaCup Pup look delightedly at their sculptured art. Fluff Pup has made a vase that appears somewhat inspired by art of ancient Greece with delicate triangular patterns at the top of the vase and a dignified dog standing in the middle. Meanwhile, TeaCup Pup has sculpted a dog with eyes closed majestically, head tilted up and long, flowing fur that covers the feet. Comic Panel 3: Fluff Pup and TeaCup Pup are staring confused and a little puzzled further down the table. It’s revealed Scruffy Pup, a large orange pup with a gold and purple crown, is laying on her back actively rolling back and forth on her modeling clay. She is having the time of her life with a happy expression and her tongue sticking out as lumps of clay stick to her fur.

Clay Day

Sculpting with clay is so much fun and the Princess Pups love a good art project! They all seem to approach it a little differently though, as Scruffy Pup shows...


Princess Pups Coloring Plaza is Available Now!

Hooray! The second collection of Princess Pups coloring pages is available for you to enjoy: Princess Pups Coloring Plaza! I wrapped up the final touches on the layout in mid-June and finally smashed that “publish” button at the end of June!

This book collects a nice helping of Princess Pups coloring pages (without the URL, mind you) printed one-sided in a handy book so there’s less chance for colors to bleed through to your next coloring adventure! It’s also got some rad activities made just for this book, like mazes, spot the differences, and some drawing prompts! Not only that, but we also get Space Pups activities and coloring pages like the one sampled below:

A sneak peek of a drawing prompt with the Space Pups: draw a sweet rocket for them!
The same sneak peek of the Space Pups rocket drawing prompt tested out by my kiddo Harv

Somehow July slipped away from me, in part because I’ve been working on some other illustration projects on the side. The next planned coloring pages posted to the site will show up in the wee days of August. August? What happened, why is it almost August?

For a timelapse treat, here’s a 30 second timelapse of the creation of the cover art! Marvel at the doodles of ideas before I choose one to blow up and actually draw completely! See where I leave plain text notes about where the title text goes! After you’ve done that, go ahead and pick up a copy of Princess Pups Coloring Plaza for you or for a coloring friend.

Ocean Coloring Ahoy, and Coloring Book Number Two is Almost Ready!

It’s June! It showed up so fast, I didn’t have a chance to do coloring pages for May?! Where did the time go?

However, I’ve been working on the next printed coloring book for Princess Pups, which took a chunk of May from me! Here’s a work in progress version of the cover (which clearly shows I don’t have a title for this coloring book yet). Just like the first coloring book (which you can buy over here), the second will include extra goodies not on the website, like Spot the Differences, mazes and more! I’ll announce once it’s all finished up and available to buy. Hopefully I’ll have thought of a title for it by then?…

For June, the theme I went with was the ocean! All the pups are enjoying the ocean in multiple ways, start off with Pug Pup, Corgi Pup, and Fluff Pup sailing in a wee boat! It looks like an ocean critter is waving at them?

Corgi Pup realizes a cheeky octopus is waving at them!

Meanwhile, Teacup Pup and Scruffy Pup have found a lovely area of the ocean to go snorkeling! Scruffy Pup has managed to find yet another hermit crab pal as Teacup Pup gets a friendly smile from a large fish! I looked much too long at snorkeling images while drawing this, and then kinda winged it as far as how they looked…cuz they’re on some puppies after all 😛

There’s so much swimming around near Teacup Pup and Scruffy Pup!

The scuba image was so active, it was the obvious choice for this month’s time lapse! If you watch carefully, you can see all the times I futzed with those snorkeling masks. Remember you can nab these coloring pages and many others (including other summer themed ones!) in the coloring pages section of the site!

April Showers Bring (April) Coloring Pages?!

Somehow I haven’t made an April showers joke that I can find in past coloring page posts?!…Anyhow! This month’s coloring pages have a rainy theme for some of our pup friends. If it’s too rainy or stormy outside, staying inside to color Princess Pups is much better! 🙂

Both of this month’s coloring pages started as wee little pencil doodles in the small 4×4-ish sketchbook that I keep in my bag when I go out. The first one features Corgi Pup and Scruffy Pup out in the rainy weather. Corgi Pup is super prepped with her umbrella, boots and super-cute rain slicker. But Scruffy Pup seems to be treating her umbrella like a small boat?…

Corgi Pup is wondering why Scruffy Pup has her umbrella upside-down…

I really like how the sketch for this month’s second coloring page turned out. I was able to snap a picture of it with my phone, drop it into Clip Studio Pro, and ink right on top! That doesn’t always happen because I tend to change my mind on my rough sketches or make them too rough to ink from without some tighter pencils. But I managed to nail what I wanted with my sketch of Pug Pup on a log with frogs! I did change one small frog to be peeping past Pug Pup’s ears a bit different when I inked it, but that was a tiny change for the better.

Pug Pup on a Log with Frogs in a Bog without Smog

Here’s a timelapse of my drawing of Pug Pup and her froggy pals. And remember you can download these pages and a pile more over on the Coloring Pages section to keep you entertained on rainy days!

Lucky Bunnies and Flower Chains to Color?!

It’s March! It’s trying to be spring again! And this year, St. Patrick’s Day is in the same month as Easter…which seemed like a good jumping off point for a new coloring page! Fluff Pup loves to make fabric items like blankets and hats. She wants to help bunnies dress the part for St. Patrick’s Day this year! Fluff Pup makes sure that these bunnies have cute hats, ties, the works!

Fluff Pup works diligently on creating leprechaun outfits for some bunnies!

For this month’s second coloring pages, Corgi Pup and TeaCup Pup have found lots of spring time flowers. And they’ve made lovely crowns and necklaces with them! Corgi Pup seems extra pleased with her flowery adornments.

Corgi Pup and TeaCup Pup trade their usual crowns for flower ones!

Both of these pages started as wee physical sketchbook doodles and I’m delighted how they turned out. Here’s a time lapse for the flowers page. See if you can spot when I decided to make the flowers bigger. As always, you can download big stacks of coloring pages over here!