Comic Panel 1: Fluff Pup, a medium-sized brown puppy with fluffy ears, a pearl necklace and a golden crown on her head, and TeaCup Pup, a peach-colored teacup chihuahua wearing a gold and purple crown, are both working attentively on large lumps of modeling clay. TeaCup Pup is sitting directly on the table while working. Several sculpting tools and an open bucket of clay sit on the table as well. Comic Panel 2: A very ta-da feeling panel where Fluff Pup and TeaCup Pup look delightedly at their sculptured art. Fluff Pup has made a vase that appears somewhat inspired by art of ancient Greece with delicate triangular patterns at the top of the vase and a dignified dog standing in the middle. Meanwhile, TeaCup Pup has sculpted a dog with eyes closed majestically, head tilted up and long, flowing fur that covers the feet. Comic Panel 3: Fluff Pup and TeaCup Pup are staring confused and a little puzzled further down the table. It’s revealed Scruffy Pup, a large orange pup with a gold and purple crown, is laying on her back actively rolling back and forth on her modeling clay. She is having the time of her life with a happy expression and her tongue sticking out as lumps of clay stick to her fur.

A Princess Pups comic by Lindsay Hornsby called "Clay Day" Comic Panel 1: Fluff Pup, a medium-sized brown puppy with fluffy ears, a pearl necklace and a golden crown on her head, and TeaCup Pup, a peach-colored teacup chihuahua wearing a gold and purple crown, are both working attentively on large lumps of modeling clay. TeaCup Pup is sitting directly on the table while working. Several sculpting tools and an open bucket of clay sit on the table as well. Comic Panel 2: A very ta-da feeling panel where Fluff Pup and TeaCup Pup look delightedly at their sculptured art. Fluff Pup has made a vase that appears somewhat inspired by art of ancient Greece with delicate triangular patterns at the top of the vase and a dignified dog standing in the middle. Meanwhile, TeaCup Pup has sculpted a dog with eyes closed majestically, head tilted up and long, flowing fur that covers the feet. Comic Panel 3: Fluff Pup and TeaCup Pup are staring confused and a little puzzled further down the table. It’s revealed Scruffy Pup, a large orange pup with a gold and purple crown, is laying on her back actively rolling back and forth on her modeling clay. She is having the time of her life with a happy expression and her tongue sticking out as lumps of clay stick to her fur.

Clay Day

Sculpting with clay is so much fun and the Princess Pups love a good art project! They all seem to approach it a little differently though, as Scruffy Pup shows...


Pie-filled Coloring Pages!

It’s fall weather and this time of year makes me think of…pies! So the theme for the latest two free Princes Pups coloring pages is fabulous pies! Our first page has Scruffy Pup floating in a magical free fall surrounded by lots of different pies! I had a lot of different pie images up while drawing this to make sure there was pie variety!

Scruffy Pup is floating in a pie-filled paradise

I was indecisive for what to draw for the second coloring page, starting with two different ideas centered around TeaCup Pup putting on her chef’s baking hat to make pies. Finally, I decided on TeaCup Pup using her magic wand to slide out and serve an array of pies to Pug Pup! Pug Pup is, of course, excited by this development.

Pug Pup with hearts-in-eyes is thrilled at all the pies TeaCup Pup made

This is the page for this month’s timelapse specifically because I forgot that I had started sketching two ideas and then abandoned them…but the timelapse did not forget! They happen in the first second of this brief timelapse if you can spot them. Remember you can nab these coloring pages and many, many others over on the Coloring Pages section of the site!

Costumed Coloring Time!

It’s time for this month’s coloring pages and they’re also Halloween themed to boot! I’ve dressed the Princess Pups in lots of fun costumes in the past and love putting them in new costumes. It took some time to decide that I wanted them to coordinate their costumes a bit more this year and all dress up as other animals! Almost all of the pups are on the first coloring page trick-or-treating!

Fluff Pup, Scruffy Pup, Teacup Pup, and Corgi Pup dressed for getting treats!

Pug Pup is missing from that coloring page though. But there’s a reason…it’s because she already ate too much candy, got a sugar crash, and fell asleep! She managed to fall asleep on a group of confused jack-o-lanterns though, whoops! She did get a lot of candy in a recent comic…

Pug Pup in her sloth costume catching some Z’s

For this month’s timelapse, here’s a sleepy Pug Pup! Can you spot when I had to shuffle around a jack-o-lantern’s eyes? Remember you can nab these Halloween-riffic coloring pages and even more on the coloring pages section of the site!

Birthday (Coloring) Party!

It’s September, dang! That means I get a year older and the pups have a party! I mean, they usually have parties…but for the purpose of this month’s coloring pages, it’s a birthday theme! First up are Teacup Pup and Corgi Pup bringing some birthday balloons. They’ve got a tight grip on them and luckily aren’t going to float away!

Teacup Pup and Corgi Pup are wrangling birthday balloons for you to color!

Our other Princess Pup pals are taking in the wonderful sight of birthday cupcakes! Pug Pup, Scruffy Pup, and Fluff Pup are all sporting fun and pointy birthday party hats. I made sure to give each cupcake a different topping to make for a variety of coloring options. I may have had to look up too many delicious reference images of cupcakes in the process though, and I don’t have any at home!

Pug Pup, Scruffy Pup, and Fluff Pup are ready for cupcakes!

I picked this coloring page for this month’s time lapse. See if you can spot when I saw the awful tangent where Scruffy Pup’s eye was touching Fluff Pup’s snout and I absolutely had to fix it! Remember to download these and other coloring pages (including birthday ones) over on the Coloring Pages section!

Ice Cream Social of Coloring?!

Dang, August, where’d you come from? It’s still summery weather for at least another month, so the Princess Pups are throwing an ice cream social and enjoying large quantities of ice cream for this month’s coloring pages! Ice cream parties are some of the best parties!

First up we have Scruffy Pup, Pug Pup and Fluff Pup enjoying bowls of ice cream. But somehow, Scruffy Pup and Pug Pup have a very large bowl filled with very large scoops of ice cream! Good thing Pug Pup brought a very large spoon. Fluff Pup still seems confused about how this happened, including the massive cherry at the top of the sundae, as she enjoys as sensible-sized bowl of ice cream.

Wait, that’s a giant bowl with giant scoops of ice cream, where’d that come from?

Meanwhile, Corgi Pup gets assistance from TeaCup Pup in stacking the perfect ice cream cone! TeaCup Pup enjoys using her magic wand to help her friends. She might be overdoing it though – that stack of scoops is gonna be taller than Corgi Pup! TeaCup Pup should stick with one or two scoops like in a recent comic

So many scoops!

I really like how both of these turned out! The timelapse for the scoopy illustration looked more interesting to me though. Maybe because I felt like I got the the inks the way I wanted them from the sketches of the pups? In either case, I need to buy some ice cream the next time I’m grocery shopping, Really, I should have gotten some for photo references?…Remember there’s these and tons of more coloring pages for you over here!